What Does The Color Mark On The Toothpaste Tube Indicate?

The colored markings on the base of the toothpaste tube would not indicate its composition as diffused some time ago. Here we tell you what it is really about.

Some time ago, an “urban legend” began to circulate on the web about the color mark that appears at the base of the toothpaste tube.

According to that news, the color mark on the base of the toothpaste tube would indicate its composition and its harmfulness for use in humans.

However, that information turned out to be completely false. Do not be alarmed!

Next,  we are going to explain what the colors on the base of the toothpaste tube really mean. 

False information about toothpaste tubes

If you look at the bottom of the tube of toothpaste you will see, in effect, that there is a rectangular colored mark.

According to the false information, that color varies from one brand to another, and would indicate the composition of the toothpaste as follows:

  • Green = Natural.
  • Blue = Natural + medicinal.
  • Red = Natural + chemical components.
  • Black = Chemical components only.

However, that information is false! There is no relationship between colors and your oral health. Although there is no official entity that has confirmed it, it is true that several platforms specialized in oral health and led by dentists who completely deny the veracity of this myth, such as this one from the Vinateros dental clinic.


What color really means in toothpaste tubes

If you pay attention, you will see that the colors that you see in the tubes of toothpaste, also appear in containers of other manufactured products.

For example, in milk cartons or cereal and cookie boxes.

In reality, these brands are used in the manufacturing process of the packaging. They are known as ‘eye marks’, ‘eye marks’, ‘color marks’ or ‘registration guides’.

What is the color mark on the toothpaste tube for?

In the case of toothpaste tubes, the containers are manufactured in a company that has no connection with the one that will fill the content.

Toothpaste tubes are produced from very long strips. Depending on the capacity to be offered to the public, it is cut in specific places.

In other words, the “eye mark” plays an important role as it indicates where  each tube should be cut, bent or pressed for presentation to the market.



Consumer information

So what is the function of colored marks? In reality, color is an irrelevant detail for the consumer. Therefore, you shouldn’t pay attention to it.

In reality, those brands have meaning to their manufacturers. The colors vary depending on who makes it, or the type of product that it offers to the public.

Each manufacturer has a color that serves as a reference for traceability, that is, to monitor the product.

This would make it possible to easily detect a batch of the product if required. For example, in case you have to find them, or withdraw them from the market for some reason.

In conclusion, the color on the product packaging does not provide information for the consumer. Much less do they indicate the composition of the toothpaste or its dangerousness.

So, choose the toothpaste you like and take care of your dental health always, as well as the foods you eat. According to studies such as the one carried out by the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, nutrition goes hand in hand with good dental health. Eat a balanced diet, brush your teeth well after each meal and do not smoke (this way you will avoid gingivitis, as stated in this research by the provincial department of Stomatology of Santiago de Cuba).


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