What Is And How To Break The Cannabis-tobacco Knot?

The expression of the cannabis-tobacco knot refers to the relationship that exists between the consumption of both substances. And not only that, but it is a way of expressing the difficulty of overcoming both addictions, especially when they go together.

Until relatively recently it was unknown what was the mutual influence between the two drugs. In other words, no associations had been made between cannabis and tobacco use. However, it seems that they are behaviors that are closely linked.

When someone consumes cannabis usually do in the form of joint or spliff , as it is usually called. Most people, to do this, add tobacco to the mix to be able to consume it. In this way, both substances are ingested.

However, it also seems that there is a relationship in the other direction. In this article we explain what the cannabis-tobacco knot consists of and how it can be broken. Both substances can be very harmful to the body and it is necessary to avoid their consumption.

What is the cannabis-tobacco knot?

Cannabis and tobacco are complementary substances that are often associated. The latest statistics have shown that the use of both drugs is closely linked. Not only because cannabis is almost always used with a certain amount of tobacco. In addition to that reason, it seems that many people like to smoke a cigarette after using cannabis.

In the same way, there are many who want to leave one substance, but continue to consume the other. This complicates the process of quitting addictions, and treatment to quit can be delayed.

Studies have shown that smoking tobacco also increases the possibility of using marijuana throughout life. In the end, the big problem is that dependency multiplies and gets worse.

Currently, the majority of cannabis users are people in their 30s. However, consumption in young people is very high. In addition, almost all of the people who consume this substance are also users of other drugs.

cannabis tobacco

Why is this knot so damaging?

As we well know, both substances are harmful to health. The fact of consuming them together, logically, adds the risks of both. However, joint use has not been shown to aggravate their separate effects.

It is believed that cannabis could increase the addictive potential of nicotine. Similarly, how tolerance to these drugs changes when ingested at the same time is being studied.

What is known is that, being drugs that are usually taken by inhalation -smoked-, both have a negative influence on the lungs. In addition to all the harmful effects of tobacco, it should be noted that cannabis is associated with an increased risk of psychotic disorders.

In the same way, we cannot forget the influence they can have on a personal and social level. Addiction to any substance can damage relationships and affect job or student performance.

to smoke a cigarette

How can you break the cannabis-tobacco knot?

The cannabis-tobacco knot is complex to solve. In itself, addiction to either of the two substances requires determination and will to overcome. However, there are more and more measures and forms of support to achieve this.

In the first place, in order to solve this problem, it is important that accessibility to these drugs is regulated much more. In other words, measures should be put in place to curb the traffic of both, especially the circulation among young people. In the same way, it is essential to promote a good education to avoid consumption.

On the other hand, there are different ways to leave the knot. You can start by leaving one substance and then another. If not, you can try to abandon both at the same time.

There are currently many supportive psychological treatments. There are even pharmacological measures that make it easier to eliminate addiction. However, therapies are the most effective method with the best results.

To keep in mind

Drug treatments only help reduce nicotine addiction, but are not very effective in quitting cannabis. The cannabis-tobacco knot requires multiple interventions with an interdisciplinary approach. Ideally, always ask a specialist for help and choose the best options and solutions to break the knot.

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