What Should Our Medicine Cabinet Contain At Home?

The home medicine cabinet is a basic resource for caring for a person after an accident. It should not be missing in any home. We show you everything that a medicine cabinet should contain at home. It will be of great use to you.

Accidents and medical emergencies often happen at the least opportune times. Those of less severity are usually the most recurrent. Therefore, people can respond to them if they have the necessary implements. But do we know what our medicine cabinet should contain?

For those who do not have a clear idea of ​​the tools and medicines they should have and can use in emergencies, the following information will be helpful.

Wound treatment

Wound treatment

Men, children and women can suffer any type of open wound, cuts, burns, etc. For its initial treatment it is essential to have cotton, hydrogen peroxide, 96º ethyl alcohol, gauze, bandages, hypoallergenic adhesive tape. In addition, the smallest of the home will require a cure from time to time.

With regard to gauze, it is appropriate to have them in various sizes. Other important elements are: neutral soap to wash superficial wounds and surgical gloves. Of course, if the wound is very deep, the right thing to do is to go directly to the clinic.

Bumps also tend to occur frequently. For its treatment it is necessary to have bags of artificial ice or gel.

Necessary medications

Far from wanting to encourage self-medication, there are generic medicines that our medicine cabinet should contain at home. Aspirins, ibuprofen, anti-inflammatories, anti-flu treatments or digestive salts are just the beginning of what we should buy as a precaution.

Analgesics, basic antiallergics, antipyretic, antidiarrheal and oral serum are essential in any family emergency box. In case of having hypertensive relatives and elderly people at home, it is also necessary to have medicines to regulate tension and anticonvulsants.

With regard to allergy medications, loratadine is perhaps the most generic and commercial option on the market. However, if any of the family members is allergic, the right thing to do is to have high-spectrum medications. Of course, they have been previously prescribed by a specialist in the field.

Topical creams

Use sunscreen

The medications that our kit should contain are not only those administered orally. Healing creams and antibiotics should be on the list that we will make before going shopping at the pharmacy.

It’s not a bad idea to keep spare sunscreen creams in case we run out of product. This topic is essential in the summer. Especially if we go on vacation to the beach or use the pool. Protecting the skin is essential.

Other products that we can keep in storage are menthol solutions and eye drops. In case of having a baby at home, we can also keep an ointment to treat dermatitis caused by rubbing the diaper.

What instruments should our medicine cabinet contain?

Our emergency suitcase is not exempt from storing some medical instruments. In principle, the most important thing is a thermometer to measure temperature rises in the midst of viral pictures. Also a blood pressure monitor, which will help us predict possible heart disease or sudden ischemia.

On the other hand, scissors and clippers can be decisive in the middle of an unexpected emergency.

All of the aforementioned will allow us to be successful in the face of any unexpected event. At least until we get to the nearest outpatient center. But not everything that our medicine cabinet should contain is medicinal.

Information in the event of a medical emergency

What should our medicine cabinet contain at home

Information is essential in order to be prepared for a quick response that can save lives. Therefore, it is vital to have a basic instruction guide to rescue in the event of a gunshot wound or drowning.

We are basically referring to a first aid manual. But if we are a little more cautious we will place a map to get to the nearest medical center. As well as telephone numbers of clinics, relatives, neighbors, emergency numbers and even the telephone numbers of the insurance company.

This is valuable information that can help us save lives if we know how to act quickly. In the middle of an emergency, a couple of minutes can be crucial.

Precautionary measures

In addition to the first-aid kit, we can leave a bag with different compartments ready, as it can be moved more easily. In fact, this implement can be where we continually store some medicines and first aid tools.

Children should also know where this briefcase or purse is located in the home. We must remind them from time to time some instructions because, sometimes, adults also suffer accidents.

With all this, we will have what it takes to deal with an unexpected event of low or intermediate severity. The rest of the work will be in the hands of health personnel and other expert medical specialists.

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