What Should You Eat Before Exercising?

Is it good to eat before the daily training session or a competition? The benefits of eating before exercising are well proven. With this, we provide our body with the energy it will need in the exercises.

Many people think that you should not eat before exercising. However, it is proven that it is very important to eat food before exercising. Among other things, because the body will need energy for physical activity.

Eating before exercise is more important if training takes place in the morning. When you eat food before going for a run or going to the gym, better results are achieved. But it is necessary to choose very well the foods that will be eaten before exercise.

Next, we will see some elements to know what you should eat before exercising.

Food before exercise

It all depends on the type of exercise

The first thing that we must take into account to choose the foods that we are going to consume before exercise is the type of activity and the intensity with which we are going to do it. It is also important to consider the goal of each person.

For example, if your goal is to lose weight and burn fat with exercise, it’s best to look for low-calorie foods. In this way it will be avoided to feed the glucose stores of the muscles and the liver.

If the objective is, instead, to carry out a very intense training or increase muscle mass, it is necessary to take care of the reserves before starting. The body will need a lot of energy. And for that the best option are foods that contain protein, some fat and carbohydrates.

When and how much to eat before exercising

Man doing exercises in gym

It is important to consume food at least half an hour before starting the activity, if possible a little more, depending on the type of food. Otherwise the body will be focused on the digestion of what we eat and will not use food as fuel.

It is also essential to take care of the amount of food that is eaten before exercising. Otherwise, the person may feel unwell during physical activity, have a stomach ache, or feel heavy and without energy.

Ideally, eat a moderate portion of nutritious food. And do it with enough time to provide the body with the energy it needs for training.

Carbohydrates, proteins and fluids

In general, before exercising it is necessary to eat carbohydrates that are easy to digest. Bread, cereals, pasta, rice, as well as certain fruits and vegetables, will provide the necessary energy. Ideally, eat a mixture of simple and compound carbohydrates.

Considering that the muscles are going to work, it is also important to eat foods that have protein. In this group are for example ham, eggs, dairy products, etc. The essential thing is to consume the products with enough time to be able to digest them.

And of course, it is essential to hydrate well before, during and after doing any type of training. Half a liter of water is the minimum that should be taken before exercise. You can also add some fruit juice or a stimulating drink such as coffee or tea, especially when doing physical activity in the morning.

Food Ideas You Can Eat Before Exercising

woman drinking a protein shake after exercising

Bananas are the perfect food for before and after exercise. Indeed, this fruit is high in potassium that replenishes the body with the minerals it loses during physical activity. In addition, the banana contains carbohydrates, which provide the necessary energy to exercise.

Smoothies are also a great option. They are quick to prepare and you can add a wide variety of ingredients to make them more nutritious and energizing. The ideal is to always add fruits, yogurt and granola or some type of cereal.

Well prepared and with the right ingredients, the shake will be a very complete food full of proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates, a perfect contribution to prepare the body for exercise.

When there is not much time, eating a slice of bread with jam is a quick and easy option to give the body the necessary energy. A cereal bar is also a good solution. It is preferable to choose one that is low in calories, has no artificial additives, and contains cereal grains, fruits, and seeds.

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