Wrinkles Remind Us Where Smiles Have Been

There are those who do not cope very well with the passage of time. To see how the face changes, how wrinkles appear or the hair bleaches. In addition to being the law of life, aging is an act of enrichment, humility and wisdom. There is no one more noble than he or she who has known how to bring happiness to their years and not just years to their life. And it is that wrinkles remind us where the smiles have been.

Within our possibilities, it never hurts to take care of ourselves, of course . Following these tips that allow us to continue wearing beautiful skin, a clean and attractive look, without crow’s feet … However, sometimes we are struck by how elderly people enjoy a serene and almost enviable beauty that we they force us to ask what their secret should be.

When we approach them for an answer, we smile to discover that revelation: it is happiness. Those wrinkles remind us where all the smiles of yesteryear have been, the same ones that continue to “dance” by those kind faces.

The face and its smiles, reflection of the soul

wrinkles, passage of time and smiles

We are sure that you have already heard this expression many times : the face is the reflection of the soul.

We are not going to delve into discourses here about the existence or not of the soul, however, we could speak of that human essence that transcends us all: the emotional world.

  • Life is a limited journey that we must experience to the fullest, taking advantage of every moment and every moment.
  • Far from seeing losses, disappointments and sadness as curses or walls that impede our advancement and our personal growth, we must see them as challenges. As moments to overcome with integrity and resilience.
  • The person who has been brave, who has integrated his sorrows and joys with hope, has an emotional and personal wisdom that is reflected in his face. A face that is used to smiling is a face that has known how to rest and fill itself with positive emotions.
    • Those who have used their face to despise, to distrust, to look with envy or selfishness, will draw in their expression the classic frown inhabited by multiple wrinkles that age not only the body, but also the soul.
    • A happy life that has been experienced with intelligence, humility and openness, is reflected in the face. It is like leaving our “soul” in a mirror. It is perceived, it is noticed.

    The joys are read in that face that has spent half its life smiling even though it lacked strength. They are energetic and courageous people who have always tried to see the bright side of things.

    The wrinkles must be the traces of all your smiles

    Main PAS

    How to assume that we are going to grow old? How to accept the loss of youth, of that smooth skin that does not know of spots, wrinkles or pain? We know that it is not easy to assume how fleeting beauty can be.

    • However, we must be clear about it, we must not associate a single beauty with that which is enjoyed at 20 or 30 years old. Attractiveness doesn’t just translate into a perfect body, hair without gray hair, or a face without wrinkles.

    There are beautiful people in their 60s and 70s, men and women who know how to remain attractive, people who deserve to spend half their lives.

    • We know that well, because the wisest beauty comes with that inner well-being of the woman who feels comfortable with herself, full of smiles, who feels fulfilled, happy and, at times, even freed from many of the fears she had. in his youth.
    • Life are stages that we skip little by little, to take with us new experiences and multiple strengths that will help us see ourselves much better in the mirror.

    Because a wrinkle is not a catastrophe, it is life lived, and what really matters are the experiences with which we have nurtured those years.


    1. Surround yourself with the best people in every moment of your life

    Join that person who really knows how to make you happy. The one for which the years do not matter, the one that always holds your hand with illusions and desires, drawing a thousand smiles from you no matter how you are: sad, sick, tired, 20 or 60 years old.

    2. Never lose the illusion to undertake new projects

    Keep this in mind, the moment you do not feel motivated, when you no longer find the strength to get excited and set goals, that will be when true old age arrives.

    And keep in mind that, to this day, you can meet people in their 20s who are old because they lack illusions, and others who, at 80 years old, still want to eat the world. They are those faces that, despite the wrinkles, continue to captivate, continue to enchant, because it is where there were once smiles.

    3. Smile at life, which happens soon and you have to live it to the fullest, in the here and now

    This is, without a doubt, the best advice we can offer you. Your life runs right now, in the here and now. Do not miss it, get on that train and take that trip you always dreamed of, call that person you miss, dare to what scares you, be excited about who you are and how you are.

    And remember, smile, search and build your own happiness every day because you are the protagonist of your life.

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