You Lose Weight Easily By Eating Raw Food

In our current life, we consume less and less raw food. On the contrary, we abuse flours, animal protein, sugars, dairy products, etc.

It is usual that we consume salads and some fruit a day. However, that is insufficient for good health, as raw foods are rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition, it is proven that they represent an important source of energy and an alternative when we need to follow weight loss diets.

Raw foods to lose weight

In this article we explain what are the benefits of eating raw foods, why they help us lose weight easily and how you can include them in your daily menu.

In addition, we give you some original and delicious proposals that the whole family will like, even if we have guests.

Choose organic foods

First of all, it is important to note that to benefit from all the properties of raw food, we should always buy it organic.

In this way, we can eat them calmly even with their skin, whenever possible. The reason is to   avoid the damaging effects of chemical fertilizers.

In any case, we will always wash the fruits and vegetables well with water and baking soda, or with a specific product.

You must-buy-organic-fruit-and-vegetables-to-avoid-chemical-products.

The great advantage of raw fruits and vegetables is that they are rich in water and fiber. Because of this, we can easily fill ourselves up without the need to consume too many calories. We do not mean eating only raw foods, but we do mean trying to make them part of our diet at every meal.

Ideally, they should represent 50% of our meals. So let’s dedicate the rest to protein, whole grains, and healthy fats. In addition, when digesting these foods, our body must expend a large amount of calories, more than we have ingested with that food. Therefore, we can conclude that eating those foods can help us lose weight.

Much more vitality

Most diets cause stress to our body and are not healthy. On the contrary, with the increase of raw foods in our diet we will be able to significantly increase our energy.

These foods provide it, thanks to their large amount of nutrients. In addition, they preserve intact the vitamins and minerals that are usually lost when cooked at high temperatures.

How do we introduce them into the diet?

There are several original and delicious ways to increase your consumption of raw foods without making them boring. We propose some:

Natural juices

If we have a blender at home, this is an excellent way to consume a large amount of raw food in the simplest way. We recommend trying different combinations like apple, carrot, celery, ginger, mint, pears, etc.


The famous gazpacho is a vegetable juice that we can calmly substitute for the first dish on our menu. Another option is raw vegan smoothies. Fruit smoothies , veggie drinks, and nuts are the perfect breakfast or snack for the whole family.

This also prevents us from abusing flour and sugars.

Different salads

In addition to the typical green or varied salad, we can try new combinations with other vegetables. For example, a cabbage, carrot and onion salad , all well grated, and marinated for at least an hour with oil, apple cider vinegar, sea salt and oregano. We can also include grated beets, arugula, watercress, lamb’s lettuce, nuts, seeds, apple, etc.

Fruit carpaccios

It is an original and sophisticated dessert and we will prepare it by cutting very thin slices of fruits such as mango, pineapple or papaya. We can add a little honey and finely chopped nuts. Another option is to accompany them with a sweet almond or oat cream . With this dessert we can surprise diners and, at the same time, continue to include our dose of raw food in each plate.


If we have guests we can also prepare a guacamole or raw avocado cream. In turn, we can accompany it with carrot and cucumber in the form of sticks to spread the cream.

They say that some of the best benefits of fruits and vegetables come from eating them raw. As is clear from the note, this does not mean giving up enjoying eating rich.

Go ahead and include any of these recipes in your diet to take full advantage of its nutrients and its ability to satisfy our appetite in a healthy way.

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