10 Health Benefits Of Vanilla

Vanilla is a concentrate that gives an exquisite flavor to different drinks and foods. It has a delicious and unmistakable aroma, which is why it is one of the most included ingredients in culinary recipes around the world.

Specifically, this concentrate is extracted from the vanilla orchid plant, which produces pod-shaped fruits, in sizes ranging from 5 to 22 centimeters in length. the pods are picked by hand, so that they do not open and are ripe. This is a very time-consuming and careful process.

After a maceration process, the vanilla that we know and that we have surely enjoyed in more than one preparation is finally obtained.

The 10 greatest benefits of vanilla for health

It is said that taking vanilla and it’s good for the body po, since it is considered that it is nutritious and provides antioxidants and beneficial organic compounds. For this, it can be included in different drinks and desserts, as well as in the recipes of numerous home remedies.

Here are the main benefits of vanilla consumption, within a healthy lifestyle. Ready to take note? Go for it!

The essence of natural vanilla is one of the best home remedies to eliminate the smell of humidity from many spaces in the house.

1. It has healing properties

Vanilla is said to have healing properties because it contains  antioxidants. This is something that has been confirmed by a study published by the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture . These compounds can help prevent the breakdown of cells and tissues throughout the body. In addition, they also collaborate in increasing natural regeneration.

Also, the antibacterial qualities of this food help the immune system work better, which in turn helps prevent diseases and infections. Such property was confirmed by research published by the International Journal of Organic Chemistry in 2011.

2. Combat the action of free radicals

Another function of antioxidants is to eliminate free radicals from the body; these are created as a natural by-product of cellular metabolism, as explained in a study published in the Medical Gazette of Caracas.

3. Reduces inflammation

This plant has been used for centuries to relieve inflammation throughout the body; in fact, a recent study published in Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology highlights its possible use for neuroinflammation.

This is really important for the prevention of diseases of the nervous system. The reason is that neuroinflammation is a central factor for the future development of Alzheimer’s, according to a study published in the Chilean Journal of Neuro-psychiatry .

4. Allows to strengthen the hair

You may think that vanilla is included in beauty and hygiene treatments solely because of its attractive aroma. However, its benefits on the skin and hair are various, according to traditional medicine.

  • If you suffer from split ends or hair loss, Applying vanilla essential oil may help make it stronger.
  • In turn, vanilla is said to help achieve greater blood flow to the scalp.
  • Neither of the two utilities mentioned above have scientific evidence to back them up. For this reason, it is advisable to consult with a dermatologist before using vanilla on your hair, as well as if you have a problem with your hair or scalp.

5. Could improve heart health

Couple heart hands

According to research that is still being done, vanilla may help lower cholesterol levels in the body. This would be a breakthrough very important for people at risk of heart attacks and strokes, although there are no conclusions on this yet.

This is because, as detailed in a Mayo Clinic journal, lowering cholesterol can prevent arteriosclerosis – the accumulation of fat on the walls of the arteries – the inflammation of the arteries. arteries and blood clots.

6. Helps prevent acne

If you are one of the people who regularly struggle with acne, the antibacterial nature of vanilla could help you. As MedlinePlus details, one of the causes of acne is the presence of bacteria (in addition to dirt and inflammatory cells).

Given the antibacterial properties we discussed earlier, vanilla might fight underlying infections and speed up the skin’s healing process. It is relevant to clarify, however, that there are no studies that confirm the effectiveness of vanilla in this regard.

7. Relieves anxiety

The benefits of vanilla are likely to work through the sense of smell as well, in what is commonly referred to as aromatherapy. Traditional medicine holds that s u pleasant smell impacts directly on the brain and induces a state of calm that considerably reduces anxiety levels .

For this reason, it is popularly said that vanilla extract could be an accessible ally to calm episodes of anxiety. Despite its fame, it is important to clarify that there are still more studies in humans to verify this property.

8. Does it help you lose weight?

There are popular beliefs that vanilla has properties that serve to suppress the appetite, in addition to its supposed benefits for lower cholesterol levels we mentioned earlier.

However, there are not enough studies to verify either of these two benefits. What is certain is that you can include vanilla in recipes with oats or fruits, two foods with proven satiating properties. As part of a healthy diet guided by a professional, vanilla can add flavor to your meals!

9. Relieves certain respiratory conditions

When you have a cough, a cold, or a respiratory infection, anti-inflammatory substances can help. In this sense, Vanilla extract is able to help protect your throat when mixed with hot water.

In addition, there is the possibility that its antibacterial properties can also alleviate infection, while also relieving coughs and pain. Anyway, if you suffer from these symptoms, we recommend making a consultation with your doctor.

10. Promotes healthy digestion

The benefits of vanilla have been used throughout history to optimize digestion. The aroma of this plant is popularly known for its ability to relieve the feeling of nausea, although there is no scientific evidence to explain this effect.

Ultimately, its historical uses also suggest that its infusion could alleviate inflammation in the intestine and prevent vomiting, diarrhea, cramps and stomach pain. Again, we emphasize that there are no studies that verify these positive consequences.

Take advantage of the vanilla, but do not stop going to the doctor

To conclude, it should be noted that, despite all the properties – proven or not – indicated in this article, the consumption of vanilla cannot replace medical consultation or replace drug treatment. If you experience any of the health problems described, do not hesitate to see the professional.

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