4 Green Juices To Detoxify The Colon

The following green juices are a natural and healthy option that we can include in a balanced diet, in moderation.

Green juices to detoxify the colon and other organs of the body are a supplement that could be included in the diet both regularly and occasionally. For example, they can be consumed as a snack after training or simply when you feel like it.

The current detox proposes these juices and other drinks (made from natural ingredients) to improve the functioning of the body’s organs and, thereby, reduce the risk of suffering from diseases. Part of the idea is to take advantage of the nutritional contribution of food to be able to supplement the diet and make sure we get everything we need.

Apart from this, drinking a homemade preparation would be beneficial because, with this, you could avoid the consumption of industrial beverages (such as flavored waters, soft drinks, etc.) which, instead of providing nutrients, in some cases provide empty calories and large amounts of sugar.

Green juices for the colon

Next, we share some of the best recipes for green juices for the colon that this current proposes. Would you dare to try them? Discover them and put them to the test.

Celery and carrot juice

The first of the green juices to detoxify is a mixture of celery and carrot with various herbs that is very refreshing. This combination will not only suit you on hot summer days, but also after those intense gym sessions.

Keep in mind that different studies, such as this one from Food and Nutrition Sciences , have indicated that carrots provide vitamins, minerals, polyphenols and beta-carotenes. On the other hand, it has antioxidant properties and it is believed that it would increase the body’s defenses.

For its part, an article published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine explains that some components present in celery have antioxidant action and, therefore, would prevent oxidative stress and all kinds of cardiovascular, liver and intestinal diseases.


  • 4-5 stalks of celery.
  • 1 medium carrot.
  • 1 handful of spinach.
  • 3 medium sprigs of parsley.
  • 1 medium branch of dill.
  • Optional: 1 green apple / 4 romaine lettuce leaves.

Preparation and consumption

  • First, all the ingredients must be washed and drained well. In the case of carrots, it can be peeled or not, to taste.
  • Then, pour the water into the blender (the appropriate measure for each person). Its function is to avoid too thick lumps.
  • Add the ingredients into the blender, process everything until smooth.
  • Consume in moderation before breakfast, as part of it or as a mid-morning snack.
  • Instead of apple, avocado could be used. In such a case, the drink would be thicker.

Green apple juice

Green detox smoothie.

The second of the green juices to detoxify has green apple; It would be perfect to satisfy the appetite at any time of the day and, at the same time, it would combat constipation due to the fiber content of the apple.

It is worth noting that apples have antioxidant properties and, therefore, their consumption is recommended to ensure the proper functioning of the body. Although this juice is usually prepared with green apple, it could also be prepared with red or yellow apple. 


  • 1 green apple.
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml).
  • 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Optional: 1 tablespoon flaxseed (10 g) or oatmeal, spinach.

Preparation and consumption

  • Wash the ingredients.
  • Next, peel the apple and discard its seeds. Chop it up to facilitate the process and add to the blender.
  • Add the tablespoon of flaxseed, honey and the glass of water to the blender along with the apple.
  • To finish, process for a few minutes until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Drink as a snack mid-morning or mid-afternoon.

    Spinach and pineapple juice

    Green smoothies to purify the body.

    The third of the green juices to detoxify is delicious and, for that reason, it is among the favorites of many people. The mixture of spinach with pineapple is exquisite, since both ingredients combine very well.

    The drink never loses the sweet taste of pineapple but, thanks to the spinach, it is not cloying and feels light. In addition, of course, to provide many benefits for the body such as the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, the improvement of circulation and brain activities, such as memory and concentration.


    • Pineapple (200 g).
    • 2 cups of spinach (250 g).
    • Optional: sesame seeds, chia seeds.

    Preparation and consumption

    • Wash the spinach well. Reserve.
    • Apart, cut the pineapple into small cubes.
    • Take the pineapple to the blender and process until smooth. Then add the spinach and repeat the process.
    • Serve, add a teaspoon of seeds and consume immediately as part of a breakfast or mid-morning snack.

    Herbal juice

    Refreshing drink of cucumber, lemon and herbs

    Distinct, but undoubtedly refreshing and aromatic, is this various herb juice. To give it some consistency, you can add a food rich in water, such as cucumber or tomato, although this is not mandatory.

    If you like gazpachos and different drinks, then you will enjoy trying the green juice room to detoxify. Also, the antioxidant effect of cucumber, added to its supposed slimming properties, would help you feel good about yourself.


    • 1 cucumber
    • 1 tablespoon of rosemary (10 g).
    • 1 tablespoon of basil (10 g).
    • 2 tablespoons of parsley (20 g).
    • 2 small branches of coriander.
    • Optional: lemon juice, 1 avocado.

    Preparation and consumption

    • First, wash the coriander.
    • Then, peel the cucumber and dice it to facilitate blending.
    • Finally, add all the ingredients to the blender. Process for approximately two minutes or until a smooth, lump-free mixture is obtained.
    • Drink before or after eating to satisfy your appetite.

    Enjoy them fresh, without sugar or sweeteners!

    Green detox juices are not a substitute for main meals, but supplements that could be included in the diet in moderation. The ideal is to prepare them with fresh, natural ingredients and serve them at the moment to enjoy all their good flavor.

    It is not advisable to add sugar or sweeteners, since the idea is to enjoy the flavors offered by its natural ingredients. This allows you to avoid excessive consumption of sugar, as indicated by the World Health Organization.

    If we want the green juices to be thicker, we can add flaked oats to smoothies or fruits like bananas, two ingredients that are consistent and provide creaminess.

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