7 Healthy Foods For Osteoarthritis Patients

Although these foods are not a cure or treatment for osteoarthritis, their regular intake can help relieve inflammation and other symptoms

Just as it is essential that patients with osteoarthritis follow medical treatment and consult a professional whenever they have any doubts, it is recommended that they include various healthy foods in their diet, such as those that we are going to present below.

But first, let’s review a bit. What is osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis is a rheumatic disease that occurs due to the wear of the articular cartilage, a component whose function is to cushion and prevent friction between the bone pieces.

Its appearance is related to the biological deterioration of age. However, it can occur from an early age due to the practice of bad habits, illness or trauma.

It is characterized by inflammation and pain in the joints, almost always in the cervical and lumbar spine, but also in the hands and knees. It can be accompanied with stiffness and tingling and, in fact, in more severe cases it generates difficulties in the ability to move.

However, these symptoms can be controlled with medical treatment, usually complemented by a special diet.

And, although many do not know it, some of the nutrients provided by certain ingredients have a positive effect on joint health. For this reason, this time we want to make a special mention of those 7 foods that benefit patients with this condition.

1. Blue fish

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Oily fish is a highly recommended food for patients with osteoarthritis. It is moderate in calories that, unlike other meats, has anti-inflammatory agents that benefit the health of patients with joint problems.

It is a very important source of high-quality proteins that, after being absorbed, help protect cartilage so that it does not continue to deteriorate.

Thanks to its contribution of omega 3 fatty acids, it promotes tissue inflammation. In turn, it creates a protective barrier against free radicals that affect cells.

Some recommended varieties are the following:

  • Tuna.
  • Herring.
  • Salmon.
  • Sardines
  • Trout.
  • Mackerel.

2. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are other recommended foods for patients with osteoarthritis. They are one of the most powerful sources of vitamin C found in nature. Thus, thanks to their antioxidant effect, they are excellent allies for patients with osteoarthritis. This essential nutrient is involved in the formation of collagen and proteoglycans, two main components of cartilage that protect joints.

Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action inhibits the activity of free radicals, responsible for the early aging of tissues.

Among this variety you can find:

  • Lemons.
  • Oranges
  • Guava.
  • Grapefruits.
  • Tangerines

3. Carrot

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The carotenes contained in carrots have interesting effects on the protection of articular cartilage, reducing the risk of premature deterioration. This nutrient, added to its contributions of essential minerals, helps to regenerate damaged bone tissue and controls inflammation and pain. On the other hand, it serves to strengthen the immune system, and protect the body.

4. Melon

Melon is a low-calorie fruit that can be incorporated into all meal plans for patients with osteoarthritis, regardless of age. Known for its high fiber and water composition, more than 90%, it is a very diuretic food, ideal for relieving fluid retention that worsens tissue inflammation.

It also contains beta-carotene, an antioxidant that is synthesized in vitamin A to slow the progression of osteoarthritis.

5. Flaxseeds

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The omega 3 fatty acids contained in flax seeds are good allies to control tissue inflammation in patients with osteoarthritis. Its consumption as a dietary supplement promotes pain relief and, in the long term, strengthens cartilage to stop the advance of wear and tear.

It should be noted that it also provides vitamin E. Thanks to its antioxidant action, this nutrient  helps stop free radical damage in cells.

6. Tofu

Tofu is another recommended food for patients with osteoarthritis. It is low in calories and rich in antioxidant compounds, it is a healthy alternative to enhance well-being in both healthy people and patients with osteoarthritis. Its significant contribution of calcium helps protect bone and joint parts. This  prevents the premature deterioration of the cartilage that protects them.

It contains a minimum portion of omega 3 fatty acids that, together with its minerals, alleviate excess inflammation in the joint tissues.

7. Spinach

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The antioxidants contained in spinach neutralize the negative action of free radicals in the tissues of the joints. In turn, they relieve inflammation. On the other hand, they provide us with folic acid and calcium, both necessary for the strengthening of bones and cartilage.

It is important to bear in mind that the consumption of these foods does not constitute a treatment to alleviate osteoarthritis, as such, but rather a complement to maintain a balanced, varied and healthy diet.

Try to ingest them regularly, according to the recommendations of your treating doctor and check that they are good allies for your well-being.

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