As Long As I Know Who I Am, I Have Nothing To Prove

The need to demonstrate certain facts to others in order to gain acceptance or recognition becomes a common source of concern.

In fact, sometimes to satisfy other people we end up doing something that we do not want or with which we do not identify. In other words, when living together, sometimes we have no choice but to give in or comply on the social level.

However, this does not imply that certain limits do not exist. Borders will be marked first and foremost by one’s own values ​​and personal dignity.

We invite you to think about these questions in the next few lines.

I know who I am and I have nothing to prove

Demonstrate authenticity

When pronouncing a “NO” we are often afraid of hurting or disappointing a person we love. Despite this, such a word is the key capable of opening infinite doors and opportunities. Because a “NO” in time is a “YES” at the most appropriate moment.

A “NO” at the right time, even if it costs us and is something very hard, is to give us an opportunity to start over and stop hurting ourselves. Now, if we continue with this, what we will be doing is distancing ourselves from ourselves and falling prisoners of useless suffering.

The courage to show who we are and what we want

Showing who you are and what you want is a necessary survival technique. It is like marking a territory, where others know how far they can go and what they will find if they exceed the contour.

Making clear what your own values ​​are is useful and essential information for those around us. It facilitates interaction and, of course, coexistence.

People who, on the other hand, do not set limits give way to the demands of others. That is, they give rise to the others asking for a little more and expecting a constant disposition on the part of those who do not make themselves heard.

woman getting ready happy for not having to prove anything

However, far from considering this as a selfish act, it is worth looking at rather as ‘a celebration of ourselves’. No one should feel obliged to pretend something they are not.

The moment we are clear about what we are, what we want and what we are not willing to allow, inner peace makes its way and relating is an easier task.

In addition, we are fully aware that others also have the right to be authentic, spontaneous and to appear before us with sincerity and without falsehoods.

I know who I am and I feel free

Indecision, insecurity, and low self-esteem are feelings that can lead to a continuous search for external acceptance. That is, there are those who try to compensate for such negative emotions through the positive assessment they receive from outside.

However, seeking approval from the social environment all the time becomes a difficult burden to bear. At this juncture one stops looking at oneself to see only what the environment asks of him.

But, in such circumstances, the one who is so neglected is lost. That is why it is so important to also know your own needs and defend them.

Only in this way will we be in a position to connect with who we are. Only in this way will we achieve the experience of freedom that we deserve.

Have nothing to prove

The conviction that I have nothing to prove

We could say that life is, above all, a reunion with ourselves. Once we achieve that ‘internal connection’, interpersonal relationships become more satisfying.

It is then that we welcome each other without impositions. It is the moment in which we become aware of the rights of each one, of the magic of building projects in common without ties or fears.

However, the courage to say “no” is an act of liberation, since it allows us to present ourselves as we are and express what we feel without fear.

I know who I am and I have nothing to prove … Have you tried it? Do you dare to try it?

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