Belladonna Fumes To Combat Congestion In The Bronchi

It is very common that infections can affect the respiratory system and cause congestion in the bronchi, acute or chronic. Congestion can also be related to smoking or seasonal allergies.

Discover in this article a remedy to relieve congestion based on belladonna. As it is a very delicate plant, we propose to use it in respiratory vapors. This method is simple, inexpensive, and very effective. 


remedy to relieve congestion in the bronchial tubes

The belladonna ( Atropa belladonna ) is a plant that grows in humid and dark mountain places. Its curative properties include its ability to relax the smooth muscles of the respiratory system. In this way, it provides great relief to bronchial conditions (asthma, bronchitis and whooping cough).

It is very important to note that this plant has a high toxicity. Many children have been poisoned by its showy fruit, similar to cherries when ripe. Consuming any part of belladonna can be fatal, both for children and adults.

Given that its risks are greater than the benefits that it could bring us if we consume it, in this article we propose a safer alternative. We can perform respiratory vapors to calm congestion in the bronchi.

Healing vapors

Vapors are an ancient medicinal technique that was already used in India, China and Egypt to cure respiratory diseases. Two of the plants that were used the most were belladonna and jimson weed, due to their great relaxing power on the bronchial muscles.

Vapors are a highly recommended method, since we can do them at home very easily and without the side effects of some medications.

However, if we want to help children make steam, we must take extreme precautions to avoid accidents and burns and opt only for the mildest medicinal plants.

Fumes for congestion in the bronchi


  • 3 nightshade leaves
  • 3 tablespoons of dried leaves for the bronchial tubes: eucalyptus, thyme, rosemary, oregano (45 g)
  • 5 glasses of water (1 liter)

What should you do?

To prepare the decoction we will follow these steps:

  • Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan.
  • Add the medicinal plants and let the decoction take place for 10 minutes.
  • Turn off the heat and rest for 5 minutes.
  • Proceed to steam without waiting.

How do we steam?

  • We will be especially careful not to get too close to the decoction so as not to burn ourselves.
  • We will place ourselves just above the remedy, at a distance of about 30 centimeters, or depending on how we feel that the steam reaches us better, but without burning ourselves.
  • We can put a towel over our head to prevent the steam from dispersing and creating a kind of bubble.
  • Breathe calmly, deeply, for at least 3 minutes. We can feel the airways open.
  • We can steam twice a day until we notice improvement and repeat them whenever we notice congestion in the bronchi.

A homeopathic alternative

As a curiosity, there is a homeopathic remedy that is made from belladonna. It is an effective medicine that does not carry the risks of using the plant, since a minimal dose is used, but enough to take effect. However, its indications are not the same as those of the plant.

The homeopathic remedy Belladonna is used to treat any sudden, painful and acute condition. Above all, it is used in inflammatory and feverish processes accompanied by sweating.

Other tips

To improve the health of the bronchi we recommend following these tips:

  • Consume green leafy vegetables, as they are rich in magnesium. This mineral helps calm congestion in the bronchial tubes and strengthen our entire body in general. However,  so that they do not lose their properties, we must eat them raw, in salads, juices or smoothies.
  • Apply a hot clay poultice to the chest and back. It can be red or green clay, since both help to reduce inflammation of the bronchial tubes. It is important to emphasize that we should not use any metal or plastic utensil or container when handling the clay.
  • Massage the chest and back with oils. We recommend using a base oil (almond, olive, sesame or coconut) with a few drops of essential oils (thyme, eucalyptus, oregano).

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