Discover The Importance Of Expressing Your Emotions On Time

Expressing your emotions on time will not only benefit you personally, but also in your personal relationships, for example.

Surely no one has taught you to express your emotions in time. It’s natural. Since we were little, they already urge us not to cry, to please others, to give them hugs or give them a smile without really feeling this.

They educate us to repress emotions and what came out so naturally and easily when we were little, now it becomes something that costs us a lot to let go, express and release. It’s frustrating and hurts us a lot more than we might think.

However, emotions are a necessary and universal innate expression of the human being, as Charles Darwing already said in his book “The expression of Emotions in Men and Animals.”

Expressing your emotions in time prevents grudges

Express your emotions in time

What is the consequence of not expressing your emotions in time? Well, the main one is resentment. When we don’t say what we think, when we keep quiet about something that bothers us, in the end we accumulate all this inside us until we end up exploding.

Sooner or later, although we are not aware of it now, we will explode. Emotions need to come out, otherwise they encyst, we somatize them and we become susceptible to everything.

Let’s imagine that it bothers us that our co-worker is always chewing gum. He sits next to us and, as much as we try to ignore him, he continues to make noise with his mouth and gum.

To prevent this from bothering us, there are several things we could do, as long as we can. Let’s see some of them and see if we can put them into practice:

  • Change places : we can go to another place, if they allow us, or change the site to a colleague who does not bother him the same as us.
  • Asking you to move : This can make the other person angry or upset. However, we must do it in good manners.
  • Ask you to stop doing what you do : perhaps you have not realized that it bothers us and, perhaps, you do not care to stop doing it for us.

    As we can see, everything is a matter of expressing emotions on time. If not, at some point, the other person may be surprised by a cry from us – “Stop chewing the damn gum!” – that they will not understand and that they will probably not take well.

    Improve your relationships with others

    Expressing your emotions in time will improve your relationships with others. This is because you will not explode and you will know how to say what bothers you politely, without anger and on time, which is the most important thing.

    This is something that is also known as assertiveness. What is assertiveness? The ability to express our needs and be clear and direct with others. Although we believe that this is not always good, the truth is that we will appreciate it.

    The more transparent relationships are and the clearer and more frank we are with each other, the better everything will flow. If we don’t express ourselves, if we don’t say what bothers us, we are “lying” in some way. Well, we are enduring something that we are not tolerating.

    It will prevent you from feeling emotions

    Expressing your emotions in time will help you avoid somatising your emotions. This means that when we repress an emotion for a long period of time, eventually our body begins to “scream” for us to solve it.

    A person who suffers from chronic stress may suffer hair loss, someone who is sad for a long period of time may have constant headaches for no reason. If we investigate a little in ourselves, it is possible that those stomach pains, for example, are the result of an unexpressed emotion.

    Psychotherapist Barton Goldsmith explains that “expressing pain is a good way to cure it.” But it also advises expressing positive feelings. “Once you create an emotional balance, your life will start to make more sense,” he says.

    So, from now on, don’t delay saying what you think and feel. Because, in the end, everything that you’ve saved for so long ends up coming out somehow or another.

    Expressing your emotions in time will give you the advantage that you can choose how you want to behave and express yourself. Well, if you wait for your emotions to end up overflowing and exploding, your reaction will be as unexpected for you as it is for others.

    Do you express your emotions in time? Do you consider yourself an assertive person? If you’re having trouble with this, make an effort to start expressing your emotions early. You will realize many benefits that you were not aware of.

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