Home Remedies For Gastritis In Children

Gastritis is a common cause of abdominal pain in children. Although it is a reason to consult the doctor, there are some home remedies that can contribute to the control of your symptoms. Here we detail them.

Gastritis is inflammation of the stomach lining caused by different factors, such as bacterial infections, poor eating habits, and stress. Although this condition is more common in adults, children can also get it. Signs range from stomach pain or burning to nausea and vomiting.

Although it is necessary to consult with the pediatrician before any warning sign, this condition does not usually present major complications on the child’s health. Therefore, it is possible to mitigate some of its symptoms with some home remedies. We detail them below.

Home remedies for gastritis in children

An article published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology states that inflammation of the gastric mucosa, better known as gastritis, is a frequent cause of abdominal pain in children. Since there are several factors involved, treatment can be multidisciplinary and individualized.

Still, there are some habits and home remedies that can help promote feelings of relief, at least temporarily. Although they are not a substitute for the doctor’s advice, they should be applied to reduce the risk of complications. Take note!

Eating habits

Many of the cases of gastritis in children are caused by poor eating habits. Either by not having a set schedule to eat meals or by consuming certain foods that irritate their stomach, the little one ends up suffering from inflammation and pain.

The feeding must be planned by the hand of a nutritionist, since in childhood there are special nutritional requirements. However, it is recommended to limit the consumption of foods high in gluten, added sugars, acids and spicy. All of these contribute to irritation of the stomach lining.

Regarding meal times, an article in International Scholarly Research Notices suggests that not having a set schedule for a long period of time is associated with an increased risk of infection by Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) bacteria , one of the the main causes of gastritis.

Meanwhile, a review published in Gastroenterology Review states that adding fresh broccoli and blueberries to the diet can help the body improve symptoms associated with gastritis due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

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Read also: Vomiting in children: how to act?

Garlic extract

In traditional medicine, another of the home remedies for gastritis in children is garlic. Although it does not have a very pleasant taste, there is evidence that it helps fight H. Pylori in the body.

Therefore, preparing it crushed with a little honey can serve as an adjuvant in case of gastritis. It can also be ingested alone or in extracts.


Probiotics are live microorganisms found in certain foods. They are used to improve digestion and increase the body’s resistance to the harmful effects of certain bacteria.

In relation to this, a World Journal of Gastroenterology publication points out that probiotics help to inhibit the appearance of H. Pylori. Among the foods that contain these healthy bacteria we find the following:

  • Yoghurt.
  • Kombucha.
  • Olives and pickles.
  • Sauerkraut.
  • Kefir.
  • Kimchi.
  • Miso.

Essential oils

In recent years, the use of essential oils has increased due to the benefits they represent for certain health conditions, including digestive problems. Regarding gastritis, a study by Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy suggests that they could have a positive effect in inhibiting the excessive growth of H. Pylori.

In particular, the oils obtained from peppermint and garlic seem useful. However, its use should be done with caution. In excessive amounts, both can be irritating. It is best to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Essential oils

Can gastritis in children be prevented?

Although it is not very common for young children to suffer from gastritis, it is a condition that can appear at any time. However, there are some practices, in addition to the ones we mentioned, that could help prevent it. Some of them are the following:

  • Maintain a fixed feeding schedule.
  • Wait at least 2 hours after the last meal to put him to bed.
  • Avoid copious and abundant meals.
  • Help your child relax with activities such as yoga, meditation, or listening to music.

When to see the doctor?

As we mentioned, in most cases this condition does not represent serious health problems. However, if children have severe stomach pain, recurrent vomiting or some other relevant symptom, it is best to consult with the pediatrician to find the cause and establish the appropriate treatment.

It must be taken into account that the symptoms are not always an indication of gastritis and may have their origin in another condition. The doctor will be the one who determines if complementary tests are necessary for the diagnosis. Keep that in mind!

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