Homemade Creams To Reduce Skin Blemishes

Besides being very useful to achieve a softer hair tone, if we apply chamomile as a tonic it can also help us to lighten the skin

In this article we will see the importance of skin care. And, above all, to protect it thanks to a series of very beneficial homemade creams and without any side effects.

Our skin will always be exposed to the harmful agents that surround us. Therefore, it is not surprising that over time dryness, blemishes, wrinkles and, above all, blemishes appear. These spots also appear associated with age, although they can also be caused by acne and other skin problems.

As always, the idea is to try to avoid things that contain chemicals or, failing that, what contains less chemicals so that the skin is much healthier; That is why today we will offer you a series of homemade creams that will mainly help us to eliminate the spots on our skin.

Homemade creams to combat skin blemishes

1. Powdered milk and hydrogen peroxide

You just have to place a couple of tablespoons of powdered milk in a container, then add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide, others of glycerin and a little lemon juice. When you have formed a cream, you apply it at night. In the morning you will wash with your usual soap.

2. Homemade cream with aloe vera

Cut some stems of this plant, open them in half to be able to extract all its pulp. Then mix with a little water if necessary. Apply it on the spots on your skin and let it work for 15 to 10 minutes before rinsing it off with cold water. Aloe vera is a plant with many benefits.

3. Lemon and oatmeal

We are going to need a tablespoon of lemon juice, a cup of oatmeal and a tomato; Blend everything, you should have a kind of thick paste or cream. Apply it on your face, leave it for 15 minutes and then remove it with the help of some wet cotton or a damp towel. It is recommended to apply it at night.

4. Homemade cream with yogurt

Yogurt and homemade creams

Not only does yogurt work, but it is the most recommended, cream or half cream also serves as stain removers (derived from milk). You should apply it to the stain or to the entire face, every night for two weeks.

5. Chamomile

The chamomile infusion can help you lighten the skin, if you use it as a tonic or astringent. Soak a cotton ball with the cold infusion and then rub it on your face.

6. Papaya, carrot and honey

Papaya is a perfect fruit to soften the skin and give it a more suitable and even tone. Make a papaya puree and add a well-grated cooked carrot, then add a tablespoon of honey. Stir the mixture and apply the resulting cream for 30 minutes on your skin.

7. Chamomile and honey

Prepare an infusion or chamomile tea as we named it before, then add honey; now you only have to apply it in the area of ​​your skin to clarify your skin, remove it after about 15 minutes.

8. Lemon


You must be careful with lemon, since it makes the skin very sensitive to light, so if we opt for lemon as an option, try to do it at night. Apply a few drops of lemon to a cotton ball and then apply it to the stain.

9. Hydrogen peroxide

Dip a cotton ball or cotton swab in hydrogen peroxide, then lightly touch the stain you want to make disappear ; you must be very constant to see the results.

10. Parsley


Take the parsley and mash it, the juice that you extract soak it with a cotton ball and apply it on the stains and it only remains to wait for the results. 

11. Carrot

You will need a carrot, half a cucumber and a sprig of parsley; Cut them into pieces and grind them in the extractor until you get a homogeneous paste, if you wish, add drops of olive oil.

Store the paste or homogeneous cream in a jar with a lid in the refrigerator, apply it for 15 minutes; then rinse off with cool water. Do this 3 times a week.

12. Lactic acid

Lactic acid helps lighten dark spots on the skin, and it does not irritate it. Sour milk and some whey contain lactic acid. Take a cotton ball soak it and apply it to the blemished skin.

Final comments

There are many spots on our skin that are too strong and not even the natural creams that we have recommended here can help you. In such a case, it is better that you seek the help of the dermatologist.

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