How Do Thoughts Turn Into Diseases?

Pessimistic attitudes come to be related to worse mental health, but also physical. Given this, one of the questions to ask is how negative thoughts turn into diseases.

In recent years we have seen the door between body and mind open wide, affirming that they are connected in a much closer way than we could imagine.

Let’s see, then, what are the mechanisms that explain this interaction. We will tell you.

The question: how do thoughts turn into disease?

Sad and sick woman

Research in recent years tells us that higher emotional well-being is associated with better physical fitness. Thus, reviews such as the one carried out by Professor Andrew Steptoe and his team provide evidence along these lines.

Furthermore, as the authors themselves point out, this is the case both in terms of objective data and in terms of our subjective perception of them.

On the contrary, it is observed that we are more vulnerable to illness when negative thoughts invade us. Moreover, in cases such as anxiety or depression, the manifestations at the organic level do not wait, which already gives some clues about this mind-body interaction.

Let’s take a closer look at it.

How thoughts turn into illness: the stress response

If we look at those moments when we feel anxious, we will notice that the heart begins to beat stronger and faster than usual. Our hands are also shaking and we start to sweat.

All these symptoms appear because, depending on the way the brain works, certain physiological responses take place, which are expressed, for example, through the pulse, breathing or the dilation of the pupils.

That is, with stress we alter body constants in a similar way to what happens when we exercise. However, there is a big difference in these circumstances, since the reason for them is not physical activity, which prevents channeling all that energy with a reasonable purpose.

Perhaps it is easier if we illustrate it with a metaphor. For this reason, let’s imagine that a multitude of cars is driving down a highway. Suddenly, that road ends and the traffic has to be absorbed by a secondary road. The result is a certain collapse. The same thing happens with the body.

We have a heart sending cars and cars and the rest of the organism without the capacity to receive them. If this situation persists for a short time or is not very intense, it remains an anecdote. But if the reaction is persistent or continuous, the damages become significant.

Our actions also explain how thoughts turn into diseases

So far we have talked about how the mind can act directly on physical responses. However, thoughts also accompany the different behaviors that we display. Let’s see it with a small example.

Even if it is not a long period, there are some vital stages that are not characterized by being especially joyful or stimulating. In these times the abandonment of personal care is frequent, diet being one of the first habits that we alter.

We sacrifice those foods that we like less and that are usually healthier for others that provide us with more pleasure.

Girl eating a hamburger

Why do we do it? It is a question of balance. We try to obtain through taste the satisfaction that we seem to have lost in other areas. Unfortunately, the cinematic image of the girl sitting on the couch bingeing on ice cream after a love breakup is real.

Also, lack of motivation is equally common in sad states. Thus, actions that were usual for us before, now seem to cost us more. We try to simplify the daily routine, like going to the supermarket after work, and we change it to order a pizza, which requires less effort.

However, these behavior patterns, which sometimes follow the emotional discomfort that is felt, also become detrimental to health.

As pointed out in a recent publication by scientist Rai Ajit K. Srivastava (Wayne State University, United States), diabetes, cardiovascular disease or obesity would be some of these consequences.

The other side of the coin

According to the above, we appreciate that there are aspects that deserve special attention to understand the course of different physical conditions.

Thus, we have commented on the role played by both the body’s reaction to discomfort and the harmful behaviors with which it is tried to manage this situation. Both factors can be the beginning of the development of different alterations and pathologies.

However, despite the fact that negative thoughts turn into diseases from different paths, it is also true that positive attitudes are related to greater well-being and lower levels of stress.

Let’s use optimism, social support or an active lifestyle if what we want is an optimal state of mind and, with it, better health.

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