How To Soften Calluses Naturally

To soften callus, try taking a foot bath with chamomile. Then, to hydrate, apply petroleum jelly to the area and wear cotton socks to enhance the effect

Corns or calluses are corns that appear on the feet due to the use of inappropriate shoes or high levels of activity. They are caused by pressure and can be very painful. Not only do they prevent you from walking well, but they can also make daily activities difficult.

Most of the time, calluses appear due to a lack of care of the foot, such an essential part of the body that many times it does not receive the attention it requires.

In the following article, we present some natural remedies that could serve as a complementary treatment to that recommended by the doctor, as long as the professional supports their use.

What is there to know about corns?

First of all, you should know that calluses appear as a natural response of the body, as protection against repeated pressure or friction in the area, especially due to the use of inappropriate footwear.

Corns can also appear on the hands, if we use the same tool for too long, for example. However, on the feet they are more annoying and painful because they prevent normal walking or putting on shoes.

Corns can be about 1 inch long, have a thick layer of dead skin, and appear next to the big toe or under the heel.

Woman passing pumice stone over corns.

How to remove corns naturally?

It is advisable to go to the podiatrist or dermatologist to evaluate the condition of the calluses and thus be able to recommend the most appropriate treatment.

The following are natural remedies that are widely used but do not have sufficient scientific evidence to prove their effectiveness. Therefore, we recommend that you consult your application with the professional who follows your history.

The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) recommends soaking calluses in warm water for about five to ten minutes or until the skin softens. Afterward, a pumice stone can be used to gently file the callus.


Chamomile is a very widespread remedy for these cases, as it is attributed anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Make an infusion with four tablespoons of chamomile in a liter of water, soak your feet in this infusion. This plant will help relieve discomfort and soften hardened skin.

Baths to soften the feet with vinegar and almond oil


Although there is no scientific data to support the use of onion to improve the appearance of corns, it is a well-known remedy. Before going to bed, cut half an onion and rub the corn area with it. Do it for about 10 minutes, rinse with warm water and apply petroleum jelly.

You can also sand gently with a pumice stone after bathing, with your skin clean and dry. Then, rub with a raw onion cut in half, and lastly, add a few drops of arnica tincture.


Like onion, garlic is one of the most used remedies to treat various health problems. You can apply a garlic clove crushed and mixed with olive oil on the corn. Cover the corn with this preparation with a bandage and put on socks. Remove and wash the next morning.


Calendula has traditionally been used in the treatment of various skin conditions and dermatological lesions. In addition, it is also common to find it in cosmetic formulations, that is, creams, lotions, shampoos, etc.

Apply an ointment that includes calendula petals several times a day to soften the tissue and, at the same time, act as a good anti-inflammatory.

Sodium bicarbonate

Soak your feet in warm water for 10 minutes. With the feet still wet, pass a tablespoon of baking soda and water, as if it were a paste. Apply a little pressure to remove the callus. To finish, gently roll the pumice stone.

Final recommendations to soften corns

Most corns and calluses go away when the friction or pressure that causes them stops. However, if the cause is not known, if the hardened skin is very painful or if you have diabetes, it is best to see a dermatologist.

  • Wearing well-fitting shoes or inserts can help you avoid them.
  • To prevent infection, don’t try to scrape them off.
  • Apply a lotion or moisturizer to the area daily. Look for a lotion or moisturizer with salicylic acid or urea. These ingredients will help soften the hard calluses.
  • See a doctor if you suffer from diabetes or circulatory problems.

Follow the dermatologist’s recommendations to safely remove calluses, and look softer feet with our advice.

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