My Son Does Not Listen To Me

Many children ignore their parents when they are talking to them. Relax, we show you how you can make him obey you.

This is a common phrase in mothers: “my son does not listen to me . It is the typical phrase of a mother who has tried everything to communicate effectively with her child and has not succeeded. However, this is not the end of the world.

You can achieve good communication with your child, but you must analyze how you do it to determine where you are failing and thus improve. In this way, not only will your child listen to you, but also you will listen to him.

It is completely normal that children, especially when they are young, do not want to listen. This is due to multiple factors. One of them is that your child may be very focused on his activities and not pay attention to you. When this happens, the best thing is that you approach and in a pleasant way ask him to give you a few minutes of his time to talk.

Another influencing factor is you. Remember that you are his main reference, therefore, if he speaks to you and you do not listen to him, or if your son constantly begs for your attention, something is wrong. If you don’t listen to him, don’t expect him to. The first thing you should do is reinforce mother-child communication and set an example.

Importance of mother and child communication

If you are already tired of saying: “my son does not listen to me” , read on. Communication is the foundation of all relationships. It is extremely important that there is good communication between you and your child. Surely, you have thought of more than one opportunity that your son does not tell you his things. I recommend that for your son to tell you his problems, you also tell him yours.

Rebellious son with his mother.

If you create an environment of trust from a young age, in which all family members can talk and tell what has happened to them during the day, you will strengthen communication at home. If you establish this habit from an early age, when the child enters the adolescence stage, it will come out naturally.

Staying connected with your child greatly improves the family relationship.  There are many aspects that make relationships flow normally, but staying connected is essential.

My child does not listen to me: what am I doing wrong?

The problem is that, generally, you express the ideas as your parents did. However, the little one in front of you belongs to another generation, with different habits and customs, therefore, he receives messages in a different way.

Whether your child learns to listen to you will depend on two fundamental aspects: how you deliver the message and how your little one receives it.

It is not difficult to get your child to pay attention to you. But you must bear in mind that this is not achieved overnight. L to patience and perseverance should be key in this process.

1. My son doesn’t pay attention to me

As apathetic as you may consider him to be, you must understand that the reasons why your child doesn’t listen to you are not always the same. Sometimes you give them an order and they hear it, but they pretend they haven’t paid attention to you. This is an act of disobedience.

Disobedient girl who does not listen to her mother.

But in other cases, he may be concentrating on his favorite activity and his attention is focused on a single thing, leaving your instructions in the background. So first identify the cause of your inattention and then act on it.

2. My son does not listen to me even if I repeat things to him

You must know and understand that there is nothing more tedious for your children than a repetitive order. The child will not feel motivated because he has heard the same thing so many times. On the contrary, new things always surprise .

If you are innovative and creative when sending your child to do something, then you will have a new opportunity to have your message heard. Change the content, the words and the way you express yourself. In this way, you will not bore your child and he will obey you more easily.

3. My son doesn’t hear me when I yell at him.

The scream is synonymous with despair and lack of patience. Children are very clever and when they see this reaction in you, they easily understand that they have managed to drive you out of your boxes. As a mother, the worst thing you can do in situations that get out of your hands is lose control.

Angry mother.

By raising your voice you only convey that you are annoyed. This is not the message you want to convey to your little one. Despite your annoyance, you should let him know what he did wrong and how you can both make things better.

4. My child gets upset by anything I say.

You must learn to communicate. Identify the words that your child likes. It is not talking for the sake of talking, it is knowing how to say certain things so that they generate positive action in your child.

But emotional communication has its limits. Don’t be one of those moms who talk to their child all the time like a baby. He is a person who grows day by day and must take responsibility.


You will no longer say: “my son does not listen to me . Getting your child to listen to you and pay attention to you is not complicated. You must understand that the education you give him at this age will be the basis of his entire life. If you teach him to listen and to know how to communicate effectively, it is much easier for the mother and child relationship to be stable and strong. Remember that you must also listen to him.

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