Natural Treatment For Sensitive Stomach

We are sure that at some point in your life you have suffered what is known as a sensitive stomach. Or, even more, it may also be something that happens to you regularly.

A sensitive stomach causes a feeling of emptiness, digestive discomfort and discomfort when receiving certain types of food. For example, not all vegetables do not feel good and there are specific dishes that we cannot digest.

The most important thing in these cases is to know what causes this ailment. Having a medical diagnosis is essential.
Meanwhile, for our part, we recommend putting these simple tips into practice.

Sensitive stomach: causes and characteristic symptoms

As we pointed out at the beginning, all of us have suffered from a sensitive stomach on occasion. These are specific moments when, whether due to the flu, indigestion or a food intolerance, our stomach behaves differently and we do not digest nutrients in the same way.

For example, the most characteristic symptoms would be the following :

  • A sensitive stomach causes pain or itching when consuming foods that are highly acidic or have strong flavors.
  • A feeling of emptiness or heartburn.
  • Tiredness and abdominal discomfort.
  • Gas and diarrhea.
  • Dry mouth, nausea, stomach cramps.
  • Abdominal swelling

It is common to have this problem when it is associated with specific illnesses such as a flu virus or gastritis.

Now, at the moment when this discomfort is constant and it already makes it difficult for us to eat normally, it is time to bring it to the attention of our doctor.


The most common causes associated with a sensitive stomach are usually the following:

Nervous gastritis

It is caused by long periods of stress or anxiety in which our stomach and our digestion end up altering.

Helicobacter pylori bacteria

A feeling of emptiness or burning in the stomach could be one of the main symptoms.

Fatty liver

When our liver is inflamed and saturated with fat,  our digestion is affected. It is an aspect that we must take into account.

Food intolerances

The topic of food intolerances can appear at any time in our life. Take into account, for example , that dairy does not usually feel good and that one of the most common symptoms is burning or stomach sensitivity.

Natural treatment for sensitive stomach

beneficial infusions for the sensitive stomach

The main thing, as you already know, is to have a medical diagnosis that allows us to understand the cause of having a sensitive stomach.

Next, it will be very important to complement the treatment with an adequate diet that allows us to digest food well, absorb nutrients and avoid burning or discomfort.

Vegetables without skin, baked or steamed

It is highly recommended that, if you suffer from a sensitive stomach, you avoid highly seasoned dishes or dishes made with oils. Thus, our kitchen, from now on, must be as simple as possible.

  • Choose to always prepare your recipes in the oven or steamed.
  • Prepare homemade soups and avoid those from the supermarket. Pumpkin soup, celery soup, or some very soft baked artichokes are always digestive and do not cause any discomfort.
  • Baked apples are also highly recommended, as well as natural pear compote.
    We must avoid highly acidic fruits such as oranges.

Eat little many times a day

The best thing to do if you suffer from a sensitive stomach is to eat small amounts several times throughout the day.
An example of a menu would be the following:

  • Breakfast: we will avoid coffee and opt for a chamomile, a toast with olive oil and a pear compote with some walnuts.
  • Snack: At mid-morning we can have a vegetable rice drink, which is always digestive and satiating.
  • Lunch or main meal of the day: A grilled chicken or turkey breast, vegetable soup, a natural yogurt.
  • Snack: A glass of apple juice.
  • Dinner: Some baked aubergines, pumpkin soup, a toast with low-fat cheese.

Yes to probiotics

Foods with probiotic action take care of the health of our stomach and our microbiota. To do this, it is worth consuming kefir: it is low in lactose and stands as an excellent remedy against Helicobacter pylori bacteria.
Natural white yogurts with nuts are also a highly recommended option to start the day well.

Be careful with the bread

Bread is part of a balanced diet and is necessary to obtain adequate nutrients. Now, we must bear in mind that components such as gluten or refined white flours are enemies of digestive and stomach health.

  • Choose toasted bread over sliced ​​bread.
  • Choose whole seed bread over bread made with white flour.

Yes to digestive infusions

Finally, it should be noted that the daily consumption of infusions can be raised as a soothing remedy that will help us reduce discomfort, gas and inflammation.

The most suitable infusions will be the following:

  • Chamomile infusion.
  • Of mint.
  • Infusion of milk thistle.
  • Sage.
  • Made with a teaspoon of aloe vera (5 g).

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