Pizza Without Gluten And Without Yeast

Nowadays, being allergic to some type of food is something normalized in society. The most common allergies are gluten (celiac), nuts or eggs. Also sensitivity or intolerance are already highly visible, especially to milk sugar and derivatives (lactose intolerant).

These food precautions must be strictly adhered to. Therefore, here we present some gluten-free and yeast-free pizza recipes , suitable for celiacs, lactose intolerant and egg-allergic. A good option for these people who want to eat foods that usually have ingredients that they cannot take. Well, with this recipe your problems were solved. Take advantage!

Option 1: Gluten-free and yeast-free pizza

Ingredients (for 1 person):

  • 120 g of rice flour
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 1/8 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed
  • 150 ml of water
  • ¼ teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 tomato
  • Salt and seasonings


cauliflower pizza dough

  • The first thing you have to do is preheat the oven to 230ºC. Next, prepare the mold by greasing it with olive oil or lining it with baking paper.
  • Mix the flaxseed with 1 to 3 tablespoons of water. Let stand 15 minutes or so until mixture is medium thick.
  • Bring the water to a boil and leave the tomato for about 30 seconds until the skin begins to peel off. Then you have to remove it from the water, let it cool and peel carefully. Do not burn yourself!
  • After that, you have to beat the peeled tomato and season it with salt, garlic, oregano, etc … You can add more spices, depending on your taste and that of the rest of your guests.
  • To the mixture of flaxseed with water, add the rest of the water and the lemon juice. Move it well.
  • Besides, you have to mix the flour with the baking soda and the salt.
  • Then go adding tablespoons of the flour to the flaxseed mixture and stir very well so that there are no lumps. Knead until you get a ball that does not stick to the bowl or hands.
  • Put the dough in the mold and flatten the ball to form the base of the pizza.
  • On the dough, pour the prepared tomato sauce and put the ingredients according to taste and season. Remember that the appearance of the pizza can make it more or less appetizing, so do your best to decorate and distribute the pizza to make it more delicious!
  • Paint the edges with olive oil and bake the pizza until the ingredients are done. About 15 minutes. 

Option 2: Homemade gluten-free pizza


  • 300 g gluten-free cornmeal
  • 15 g gluten-free fresh yeast
  • 2 tablespoons of virgin olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • 1 glass of lukewarm water
  • Salt


mini puff pastry pizzas

  • The first thing you have to do is dilute the yeast in a glass of warm water.
  • In another bowl, add the flour and water with the yeast, mixing everything with a spoon.
  • Add the salt, sugar and a splash of oil. Mix until you get a homogeneous dough.
  • On a smooth and clean surface, sprinkle flour and knead the dough well. Try not to let the dough stick to your hands, hence the flour is crucial to avoid it.
  • Form a ball and let it rest in a bowl covered with plastic wrap for approximately 30 minutes in a warm place, until it doubles in size.
  • After this time, stretch it again into a pizza shape with the edges slightly raised.
  • Place on a baking tray and spread fried tomato and the ingredients you want on it. You can add ham or olives, as long as they do not contain any type of ingredient to which you are allergic.
  • Bake at 200ºC for 10-12 minutes just below.

Either of these two options will be valid for the nutritional needs of those allergic to gluten, eggs and lactose intolerant. You can enjoy a delicious pizza without having to think about the consequences afterwards. Both recipes are easy to make and they are delicious. Which of the two did you like the most? Have you added any other star ingredients? Make the recipes and tell us about your experience and that of your guests! We hope you like it.

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