Twicor: The Polypill For Cholesterol Treatment

Twicor is a medicine that is made up of two different active ingredients. It is a drug that is indicated to regulate cholesterol, in a way that reduces the levels of LDL or bad cholesterol.

One of the active substances in Twicor is rosuvastatin, which belongs to the group of statins. The other active ingredient is ezetimibe, which also acts on cholesterol. Both compounds present in a Twicor tablet are potentiated to lower cholesterol.

How does Twicor work?

This medicine is indicated to regulate the levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides present in the blood. In addition, on the other hand, Twicor works by increasing the level of good cholesterol or HDL cholesterol.

To carry out its effect, this medicine works by lowering cholesterol in two ways. On the one hand it reduces the fats that are absorbed in the digestive tract, and on the other hand it acts on the body’s own production of cholesterol.

In general, p For most people, high cholesterol levels do not cause symptoms. For this reason, it must be checked regularly, since if it is not treated, it can be deposited on the walls of the blood vessels. 

These cholesterol deposits end up giving rise to a narrowing of the blood vessels causing a vascular condition called atherosclerosis.

On some occasions, these affected vessels block blood flow, so that the blood supply is cut off and is not sufficient for the proper irrigation of the heart and the necessary supply of blood to the heart and brain. If this happens, it triggers a heart attack or stroke.

With Twicor treatment, cholesterol levels are controlled and the risk of a heart attack or stroke decreases. We can say that this drug contributes to reducing cardiovascular risk.

Twicor reduces risk of heart attack

Who is it suitable for?

This medicine is indicated in cases in which it is not possible to establish a control of cholesterol levels with changes in diet.  However, Twicor is not a drug that helps you lose weight,  it cannot be used for the purpose of reducing body mass.

The recommended daily dose is one tablet, it can be taken at any time but always separate from meals. Don’t forget the importance of seeing your doctor regularly to check your cholesterol levels.

If for any reason you need to stop using Twicor, you should check with your doctor before doing so. When  stop treatment, cholesterol levels can go back up. 

Possible side effects

Twicor polypill to prevent atherosclerosis

As a medicine, Twicor can cause adverse effects, however, not all people who are being treated with this drug suffer them in the same way or with the same frequency.

Depending on the frequency with which the side effects appear, they are classified as follows:

  • Common side effects of Twicor: e Among the possible adverse effects that appear more frequently are the d headache, fatigue, myalgia, and elevated blood glucose levels. You can also experience gastrointestinal disturbances such as diarrhea. 
  • Other rare or very rare side effects: These effects include allergic reactions with swelling of the face, lips, tongue and throat. Rhabdomyolysis, which is a more serious muscular condition and that some active principles of the statin group can cause. This adverse effect manifests itself together with fever and kidney disorders.

In addition, other adverse effects that you may experience are those associated with Stevens-Johnson syndrome, which is an allergic reaction that can be fatal. Its manifestations include ulcers and blisters on the skin, eyes, mouth and genital area.

Twicor as an alternative

Twicor is an alternative to consider when treatment with its separate components fails to regulate cholesterol levels. Although its use must always be evaluated by a specialist to adjust the dose and duration of treatment.

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