What Is The Best Time To Take My Vitamins?

Many people wonder when is the best time to take vitamins. It is true that supplements and supplements of these micronutrients have begun to be a regular part of diets. Experts recommend them to help prevent health problems in the medium term.

However, it is not clear at what time of day they should be consumed, since there is discordant information on the matter. That is why we are going to tell you, below, everything you need to know to clear up any doubts and optimize the intake.

Why are vitamins taken at different times?

Not all vitamins have to be taken at the same time or together. This is because they have different interactions with food, in addition to having different absorption rates.

There are optimal times to ingest each one and thus get the most out of it. To give you an idea, the medium in which they are soluble can greatly determine their mode of consumption.

The water soluble can be consumed with water almost at any time of the day. However, those of a fat-soluble nature must always be accompanied by a food with a high fat content. Otherwise, they will be wasted.

When is it better to take them?

We are going to indicate the best times to take each group of vitamins, according to the currently available evidence. Go for it.

Vitamins and their letters.

Vitamin C with water and away from food

Vitamin C should not be consumed with a meal. This is because it can modify the absorption of iron, increasing it.

This is evidenced by a study published in Food & Function . Sometimes that interaction is intended, but many other times it is not. It can cause an increase in iron in the blood that is not beneficial.

Vitamin B at any time, except fasting

Group B vitamins consumed on an empty stomach can cause nausea, which makes those taking them uncomfortable. For this reason, it is always recommended that they are eaten together with a portion of food.

The specific time of day in which they enter the body is quite indifferent, but an empty stomach must be avoided.

Fat-soluble vitamins after main meals

As we have already mentioned, fat-soluble vitamins need fat for their proper absorption. An example of them would be vitamin D, which has proven to be a determining factor in bone metabolism, among other functions.

Only after a main meal is its intake recommended, as this ensures the presence in the bolus of the amount of lipids necessary for its dissolution. Otherwise they will go to waste and generate no profit.

When is it advisable to take vitamins?

Despite the fact that the consumption of vitamin supplements has become fashionable, it is not always appropriate to resort to such products. It is best to always consult a nutritionist for advice and advice on the highest quality supplement.

In general, this type of micronutrient is prescribed when there is a previous deficiency or a pathology whose management can improve with an increase in the levels of vitamins in the body. An example would be the infectious processes of a respiratory nature, which respond well to vitamin C supplements, as evidenced by a study published in Frontiers in Immunology .

In the same way, it is usual to recommend increasing the intake of vitamin D during cardiovascular diseases or if the patient suffers from some type of cancer. Thus, the response to the main treatments can be improved. The same nutrient is prescribed in people with low sun exposure.

However, care must be taken with the dosage of these micronutrients, as it is possible to experience overdose. These are harmful to the body and can condition the functioning of some organs. You must always respect the recommended shots to avoid reaching such a situation.

Another case to take into account is that of vitamin K. This influences blood clotting, so it is necessary to avoid its intake if you are being treated with anticoagulants. It could interfere with drugs.

Vitamin B complex supplements.

Taking vitamins is a new habit

Some consider it a habit imported from the United States, but the truth is that more and more people are taking vitamins on a daily or frequent basis. There is evidence that they can be positive for health when they are included in the diet in a reasonable way and in optimal amounts.

This does not mean that you have to be careful with overeating. In addition, it should be noted that the time to take vitamins can significantly influence their action.

The medium in which they are dissolved must be taken into account to know if it is necessary to consume them with meals or away from them. In the case of those in group B, for example, it is important to avoid their intake on an empty stomach.

Do not forget that before introducing a supplement in the diet it is optimal to consult with a specialist in the field. Otherwise, it may not be suitable or even be counterproductive if certain doses are exceeded.

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